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acupuncture . | alexander technique is grounded in movement and self examination of postural habits. It is not a relaxation session or an alternative therapy; it is a method of re-education.
There are many reasons for visiting an Alexander Teacher, which may include: general aches and pains, RSI, improving stature, sports performance, stress management, pregnancy and professional development.
During the one-to-one session there are no exercises, and discomfort is very unlikely. We look at simple movements Large scale trials by the Medical Research Council, published as the front page story in the British Medical Journal late last year, concluded that: "One to one lessons in the Alexander Technique from registered teachers have long term benefits for patients with chronic back pain."* All registered Alexander Teachers have undergone a 3 year, full time course of study and are fully insured.
Alexander Technique Professional Society cancellation fee
ayurveda . | |||||||||
alexander technique . | |||||||||
aromatherapy . | |||||||||
counseling & coaching . | |||||||||
hypnotherapy . | |||||||||
massage & shiatsu . | |||||||||
psychotherapy . | |||||||||
reflexology . | |||||||||