our practice | our therapists | booking an appointment | contact us | ||||||
acupuncture . | acupuncture is an ancient oriental medical system, using fine needles at specific pressure points on the body to channel and move energy. A state of physical and mental balance is restored. It induces a sense of wellbeing and increased energy, as well as helping specific symptoms. Our acupuncturist Mrs Lim-Cooper is a member of the British Acupuncture Council, BAcC and British Medical Acupuncture Society, BMAS. Mrs Lim Cooper is also a trained midwife, nurse and health visitor and is particularly interested in
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ayurveda . | |||||||||
alexander technique . | |||||||||
aromatherapy . | |||||||||
counseling & coaching . | |||||||||
hypnotherapy . | |||||||||
massage & shiatsu . | |||||||||
psychotherapy . | |||||||||
reflexology . | |||||||||
cupping & ear candling ear candling: 40min £45 deep oscillation: £65 initial appt, £35-30min follow up appts. cancellation fee helpful links: British Medical Acupuncture Society